Flat Logo Maker make your own logo with easy way.
Flat Logo Maker including Google Material Design Icons, Material Design Iconic Font, Fontawesome, Meteocons, Octicons, Community Material, Weather Icons, Typeicons, Entypo, Devicon, Foundation Icons, Ionicons.
Not only using icons Flat Logo Maker can also make logo with text, and you can customize with custom font what you want.
Features :
- Save your logo with custom size
- Unlimited custom font
- Unlimited color logo
Logo Logo rata membuat logo anda dengan mudah.
Pembuat Logo Rata termasuk Ikon Reka Bentuk Bahan Google, Reka Bentuk Bahan Iconik Font, Fontawesome, Meteocons, Octicons, Bahan Komuniti, Ikon Cuaca, Typeicons, Entypo, Devicon, Ikon Asas, Iononon.
Bukan sahaja menggunakan ikon Flat Logo Maker juga boleh membuat logo dengan teks, dan anda boleh menyesuaikan dengan fon langganan apa yang anda mahukan.
Ciri-ciri :
- Simpan logo anda dengan saiz tersuai
- Fon adat tanpa had
- Logo warna tanpa had